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does anyone know if this would work for a live2d model in vtube studio? :o sorry if this has been asked before, i couldnt find it anywhere!!

No at the moment ^w^

alright, thank u for the response!! :D hope to see it available one day!!


thank you for your hard work on the contant updates!

Thank you for your support! <3

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Any way a gift/present option to be thrown will be added? :) I want to add it myself but I am not good at making my own items to be thrown.

Also, want to say I appreciate you making this for us!! I've been wanting to add this for a while and so happy to have one that works with the program I use x)

Thank you ^w^ We hav ea very active community. You can join the Discord server and ask to see if someone can make a present item for you ^w^

whats the vrchat support for and do? i can't wait till i can try out your program after i loved TIFA, but i can't yet till i somehow get 100 dollars for a new computer, this chromebook can't run anything that i like

You can control things on your VRChat avatar using VTuber Plus :3

Ooh that is interesting, do you mean twitch viewers can do things to the vrchat avatar? Or do you mean something else?

That is correct ^w^

Now i kinda wanna see something like this for Neosvr, though i guess people could just make their own stuff linked to twitch stuff on it -shrugs-

Viewers can throw stuff at you in VRChat? :o That sounds wild! xD

Ever since the ipb update its not workign for me. I don't know if I set it up wrong or what.  Is it possible to get some clarification on how it's to be setup now? I had it working before but the update now it won't work! Thanks!

Actually it should continue working without any changes like before. Basically if you leave item or bits on 1 or 0, it'll be 1 item per 1 bit. Otherwise it'll calculate the amount of items required for the bits you entered or vice versa. So you can have for example 10 items per 5 bits.

so if I understand that right, if you put 5 in bits, and 10 in items, it'll throw 10 items per 5 bits?

yes ^w^

Ok thank you I'll try that, I might have been misunderstanding! Love the updates btw ~ My stream gets way too much joy out of knocking me out and spraying MALK at me 

Haha I'm glad you're enjoying this ^w^

Found a small bug in there for 1-1 ratio. Will be fixed in 2.9


I love every single thing about this program! Its everything I kinda want from an interactive standpoint. However, I have an issue. It seems you "accumulate blendshape by add instead of by max" on my default. I know that sentence doesnt make any sense but there is a setting in Vseeface with the same name that also breaks my avatar. I cant seem to find where to turn it off in Vtuber Plus. It completely borks my avatar and makes it impossible to use since the Vseeface and the VtubePlus look TOTALLY different when in use.

Look at his hair to see the difference.

I know this is partially about how my model is built but I am stuck in my ways and like this model. I will be keeping a close eye on the program for sure for future use.

Thank you ^w^ I know I'm supposed to see a difference in your video but I can't see any... VTuber Plus does mix blendshapes but dont put them on max unless it comes like that from VSeeFace

Amazing progression you got going on,

I have 2 suggestions/requests

1 - The Confetti (Let's Party) redeem right now shoots a lot of confetti over the span of like 5-8 seconds. I wanted to be able to have a redeem where it only shoots 1 confetti & a different redeem for multiple confetti all over like it does now.

2 - I have a custom redeem that I called "Avalanche" where it does (Throw Random) 15 times, but there is like a second delay between each throw & so it makes the redeem feel underwhelming to my viewers.

I wanted this redeem to feel like an actual avalanche and all these objects have a smaller delay, meaning I really get spammed with all of them almost at once.

If there was a setting to make the delay lower or higher of the item count it would add even more customizability.

Keep it up, you created something truly great.


For number 2, there *is* a "throw item delay" slider. If you slide it to the left, it throws items with less delay between them.

Any plan on making the light possibly darker ? even with no light, the scene is still pretty bright, I'd like to play more with emissive lights but they don't show much because the light don't really have a big range of possibilit.

Besides that, you are doing such an amazing and efficient work, big kuddos to you !!! I can't stop recommending this tool to all my 3D Vtuber friends.

Thank you so much!^w^

If you want darker environment, you need to darken the ambient color which is in render settings.


Oh yes ! That indeed works very well !!! Thank you very much that is perfect.

So I'm having trouble. Everytime, I execute the Vtuber Plus, It keeps telling me I can't execute. I don't know why it is doing that. Can someone help me with this

Make sure you have .Net Framework 4.6 installed.

Hey, I just wanted to say that I love this software so far, it's extremely easy-to-use and works very well with my VSF avatars! ^w^ One question I have, if it has been requested already or if it is possible already to have a redeem/trigger play a full body VSF animation ?

Thank you very much ^w^ you can trigger the animations through VSeeFace

hello, could there be an option to change throwing speed? (going through 1000 items takes a while atm)

item Settings -> Item Delay

Hello, maybe a silly question but, is it possible to use this application with Virtual Motion Capture (Full body tracking ) VMC will send data to Vseeface then Veseeface to Vtuber plus?  I'm having issues with it. not sure if it's even possible.

Hi. I've seen people do it, so I'd say yes.

do you happen to know who so I can ask them? thank you! 

You can join the support discord. There are people there that can answer you ^w^

The collider settings seem bugged. Changes to the offset don't do anything, and the settings change every time the program is relaunched

ive gotten this bug where when i open vtuber plus and log in, the log in box starts to open up over my avatar and i cant get rid of it, has anyone els ehad this problem?

I love this program and the daily updates! One thing on stream last night, the channel point redeems would work for like 10 minutes and then stopped working. I had to restart the program every time for the redeems to work again. I’m not too sure if it’s my end or not but they used to always work properly up until last night. 

Thank you! and thanks for the info. I'll look into it ^w^ do you happen to have a bad connection?

it was a smooth stream, no bad connection last night ^^

Hello, I love your program!!
One question: will it be possible to adjust the intensity / impact of the thrown Items in the future?
So that you can make the items hit harder than they do now to make it funnier?  °^°

Hi. Thank you ^w^ with the ragdolls later you should be able to adjust it with your object mass.

Can I suggest being able to use the items separately ? Like I can just have the ball by its self. Or when things drop on my head just the anvil instead of it rotating the objects?

Its already planned ^w^

sweet!!!! Can't wait!!

Love your program! Could I also suggest making it so that you can save camera settings for each avatar in Avatar Settings if possible?

Thank you ^w^ and thanks for your suggestion. I'll see what I can do about it.

I absolutely love this program!
Is it possible to add redeems linking to the same triggers?  For example having Confetti and Rainbow activate with the same redeem.

Thank you ^w^ yes currently you can do that for all rewards except redeptions and chat commands by adding the same reward for multiple triggers.


Hello! I really love this software, Do you possibly have a discord server? (:

thanks <3 it does! you can access it from inside the program.

is it possible to get the hot key avatar swapping back? I remember it was on a previous update, but it seems to have been removed... ;n; I didn't even get a chance to use it live

I will add it in the future updates but for now you can only use it through rewards, stream deck, lioron board 2 or a websocket client.

I just started using the program and I love it but I noticed some ghosting when my avatar moves. Any Idea what maybe causing this?

Hi. Try fidgeting with the render settings and changing anti-aliasing.


Thank you that did the trick :)

hey I'm personally having problems adding IpB setting for the throw, as it won't let me add it the bit amount or the item count, leaving them blank.

Its currently bugged


This is honestly one of the greatest resources a 3D tuber can have, it is genuinely amazing, the interactiveness with chat is great, and the constant updates/improvements/fixes/etc. to the software just make it even better!

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I'm really happy with how interactive my viewers can be with me now. Its truly made the environment a lot of fun! So thank you for taking the time to make this!

I'm slightly confused with Websockets seeing as I don't have a stream deck, but I'll have a look see in your discord and hope I can find a solution!

Again thank you! 

Thank you ^w^

I say yes to the ragdoll thing, that would be neat, specially if its like getting hit on the head with something and the model just ragdolls -bleps-


I just purchased your program. I am loving  it. Would like to be able to adjust focal length though, and also add props like how VSeeFace does props. That'll effectively replace VSeeFace for me entirely.

Hope you keep up the good work!

Thank you ^w^

Also would love it if you replaced the transition between avatars with a fade or just remove the "loading dialog window" entirely to make the transition more seamless for redeems.

Unfortunately loading avatars and setting them up takes time depending on your computer. Even without the loading dialog, there will be an empty gap between the two avatars.

oh I don't mind the empty gap while loading, I just prefer the transition from avatar to empty, and empty to avatar to be fade if possible, if not just no dialog box is fine too :)

I'll see what I can do ^w^

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Hello, I'm having issues I cannot seem to zoom in or adjust the camera after the update. I've tried removing everything and redownloading but I'm unable to adjust the camera anymore.

NVM I had the camera locked like a dumb butt...

Haha I was about to ask if you had the Camera locked XD Glad you found it though ^_^

Anyone else unable to extract the updater from the zip? It says i need permissions I dont have only on that file and both the file and 7zip have permissions.

Are you the only user on your computer? And do you have administrator rights? If not, ask the administrator.

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Do you guys have any plans to add custom rewards? For example, have a reward to throw a type of item, and another reward to throw different items. Or making it rain something else appart from water and the bucket? (Like making it rain coins for example). It would be really neat to be able to have our own custom rewards.


custom rewards are already possible. Assigning different items to rewards falls under item management which is already on my roadmap.


I'm clumsy, could i request a "do you want to reset" confirmation in the rewards settings so i don't wipe all my settings by accident... again. 


Hello! I wanted to ask if you 'd consider adding the ability to show the props that you have on your model in Vseeface? (the images that move with your model)

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I suggest adding a way to increase or decrees the hud size cause it is way to small on my 4K screen 

Hello, I had a question before purchasing this...Will this work with VMagicMirror too? or is it only capatible with Vsf?

VRM and VSF avatars can be used but VMagicMirror lacks the ability to use VMC protocols. You need a software with VMC like VSeeFace or something else.

ah ok thanks for the response! ♥

Hi there! Are you still planning on implementing Vsf animations? Absolutely in love with the program and how customizable everything is so far!

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There was in on a previous update, but som'in must of went wrong and he's looking into what ever error it is

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yes! Thank you ^w^


Hey guys~ For those who don't want to spend time remaking all the assets (or a good chunk of them) for the SDK, I made a small pack with my own versions of the default throwables. The banana comes with the SDK so I didn't include it, and I included a "demo" item: a Fish that actually wiggles when thrown. It replaces the Doggy Bone, so you may wanna hunt one down if you want that back. But these are good references for the items thrown. If you need to fix their size (and can't via the app), feel free to do so. Also the Audio I included is louder (the Slipper makes a very solid "SLAP" sound), so keep that in mind also when importing. I hope you enjoy these and learn off of em! I'll be making a Video tutorial sometime soon, once som'in gets fixed


Hello! Just got it and absolutely loving it!! From the built-in head/chest collider to the auto-load, to the event triggers! 
Perhaps I haven't grasped everything just yet, but is there a way to change FoV? If not, can we get that as well? 

Hi, I'm glad you like it ^w ^

Not at the moment but I will consider it for the future updates ^w^


Hi, i bought this program because it is what I looked for. I'm using Luppet not VSF, so i was wondering if you have any plan to link your program to Luppet. Since I'm using Luppet, i just want to use your effects only. If I upload vrm file, the virtual character overlap each other and if i don't upload the file, the effect doesn't show up.  Do you have any solution to this? In an addition, I can't figure out how to link certain chatting on twitch? Where can I find the detail instruction to that?


VTuber Plus must be used with a VRM or VFS avatar. It’s not an effect generator for other programs and can’t be be used in the way you described.  You can always join the support Discord server in the program for more help.


If you export an invisible VRM model (basically your model, but without the body mesh visible) and use that in VTuber Plus you can get the effects by themselves, and then in OBS overlay it on top of your Luppet model. It's not as good as using VTuber Plus directly and it requires a bit of tweaking/lining things up, but it's one possible solution.

I definitely recommend using VSeeFace though.


Just a question, do you plan on adding more than  2 camera positions, I was live and noticed i could only preset 2.

you need more than 2?

No one has ever requested for more.

Yeah, It helps with different scenes and for dramatic places as some people have different camera positions for things as some may have close ups for their avatars then normal as well as just chatting and gaming.

Yea... still never seen anyone use more than 2 views hehe. I might add more cameras in the future if the requests are higher.


awsome :) thank you for considering it!

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